2013年11月27日 星期三

python search path

current directory(sys.path)-->PYTHONPATH-->installation-dependent default path; on Unix, this is usually "/usr/local/lib/python".

How Human and Robot are different?

We humans draw effeortlessly on many different cognitive capabilities for any given task, and we pursue a seemingly infinite variety of tasks. When we have difficulties, we don't freeze up; we muddle through.
                                                                               --from JOHN E. LAIRD
                                                                                          THE SOAR COGNITIVE ARCHITECTURE

2013年11月26日 星期二

Install Qt creator in UBUNTU (Manual)

Because using apt-get to install QT is not the last version, I try to install it manually.

step 1: Download file
Download the last version of QT from http://qt-project.org/downloads
For example, i download Qt Online Installer for Linux 64-bit, and then go to the download folder,
find the file "qt-linux-opensource-1.4.0-2-x86_64-online.run".

step 2: Rename file
It's with a little long name. So i rename it as "qt.run" using the command
~$ mv qt-linux-opensource-1.4.0-2-x86_64-online.run qt.run

step 3: Change the access permissions
~$ chmod -x qt.run

step 4: Run the file
~$ sudo ./qt.run

you will see the install screen like below

the you can install it step by step.

2013年11月24日 星期日

compiling opencv with g++

There are two methods in compiling opencv with g++ without IDE

First is typing following command in command line directly

~$  g++ testcv.cpp -o testcv `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs `

ps: ` place in the left of 1 on the keyboard, not ' in the left of Enter

 Second is to set a makefile as below:

testcv: testcv.cpp
g++  -o ${@} $<  `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs `

and then type make in command line

~$ make


keep the sequence of the command. put the `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs ` after others.

If you make a command like

~$  g++  `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs ` testcv.cpp -o testcv

there will be error

I don't know why...><
opencv on qt creater ubuntu

set .pro

INCLUDEPATH += /usr/local/include

LIBS += `pkg-config opencv --libs`

If an error occur like this

"Cannot connect creator comm socket /tmp/qt_temp.S27961/stub-socket: No such file or directory"

go to "Run Settings" and then cancel "Run in terminal"